From China to the United States

Follow our journey to get our newest family member at the Shanghai Children's Welfare Institute.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Adoption Certificate and Passport processing

This morning we went to another government office and we processed the official adoption certificate - similar to a birth certificate in the US.  They also processed all of the children's passports.  It was such a long process because we have learned that here in China there is a lot of paperwork involved in this process.  We were in this government office for almost 4 hours and all of the children were very very well behaved. Below are photos of the office, which are not terribly exciting - but we sure are glad that part is over!

As we get to know Hope she is very much like my daughter Natalie when she was little.  She  LOVES to color and do puzzles. She has been a little quiet but I said to Bob that I am pretty sure that she knows some English. Well, this morning we had to go back to Civil Affairs Office to get her official adoption certificate and passport. In the envelope they also give you any information that they may have received regarding the parents if there were any to be found. For example one couple got a letter from a mother that gave up her child because she was a teen parent and she knew there was no way she could support her child. She also knew her child would need a surgery on her hip. The letter was written in Chinese, one of the officials read it to the new mom in English and it gave everyone chills. So in Hope's envelope was a school achievement award from her ENGLISH CLASS!!! Boy did I have her number :-)

I know that is limited learning since she is so young but it just cracked me up.


  1. Hello Mrs. P,

    Has Hope said anything in English yet? Are you having fun with her? Did Hope enjoy the pizza?
    We know that the Great Wall of China is the only manmade object that can be seen from space!
    Mr. Jones' class

  2. WOW you guys are very smart!!!
    Hope tries to not speak English right now because she wants us to think that she doesn't know it. She does this because she is "testing" us to see what we will do. She has said Mama and Papa because that is what they teach them to call their parents. She has said words by accident like "look", "hello" and "dog" when she saw one. She has said her numbers and she can write letters very ver neatly. HOPE LOVES PIZZA!!! We had it again tonight. Mr. Jones, maybe when we get back Hope can have pizza with your class? She would like that! It might be hard for her to talk but she does like the company.
